Guest Dock Amenities Dock-n-Dine General Information
Guest Dock

Attention Mariners, Starting 1/1/2025, the Port of San Diego's designated safe harbor location to drop anchor will be relocating due to increased recreational vessel traffic and capacity concerns within the bay system. The current safe harbor location (La Playa Cove) area has experienced overcrowding, particularly due to conflicts with permitted anchorage vessels. This change aims to alleviate congestion and improve safety for all mariners navigating our waters. The new safe harbor location will be in the Glorietta Bay Basin with the following coordinates: 32'40.849'N, 117'09.900'W 32'41.051'N, 117'09.797'W 32'41.143'N, 117'09.764'W 32'41.127'N, 117'09.718'W 32'40.907'N, 117'09.806'W We encourage all mariners to familiarize themselves with the updated location before the transition. The Port of San Diego is committed to providing a safe and efficient environment for maritime activity, and we appreciate your cooperation in making this change a smooth process. Note: The designated safe harbor location is not an official anchorage established by USCG, all vessels are required to follow navigation/anchor light requirements per USCG Nav Rules. Care must be taken to not anchor in the channel. Due regard should be given by the mariner for the draft of their vessels and the tidal flow. Anchoring will be at your own risk. For any questions or additional information, please contact: Port of San Diego Mooring Office Ph. 619-686-6227


  • Copy of Owner ID (along with full contact info)  
  • Copy of insurance   
  • Copy of Vessel Registration (include length and beam)



  • Once emailed and reviewed, your account will be created and login instructions will be sent (Please allow up to 24 hours for new accounts to be reviewed and created)



    "Please read all rules and regulations to avoid citations."


     Our office is avaialble 7 days a week, from 1000 - 1800.  For inquiries and reservations for new accounts please email All current account holders will be directed to make reservations online.

    Please allow 24hrs for us to get back to your requests. Same day requests will NOT be granted. 

    For general information and questions, boaters can email or call 619.686.6227 

    The daily dockage fee is $1.37 per lineal foot per day.


    Catamarans, trimarans, or any vessels exceeding a 15-foot beam are limted to slips 2, 3, 26, 27, or 28.


    San Diego Bay is a recreational haven that attracts boaters from all over the globe. To make the bay more accessible and enjoyable, the Port of San Diego provides temporary anchorage areas and docking facilities for boaters who are able to make reservations online.



    Create anchoring reservations or check availability of the Cruisers Anchorage by using the kiosk conveniently located at 1401 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, CA 92106.


    Guest Dock Notice

    Being in the wrong slip may result in your vessel being towed or cited by the Harbor Police. All the slips are reserved ahead of time. If you have any questions, call the Mooring Office duing business hours (619) 686-6227 Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 4:30pm and every other Friday from 7:30am - 3:30pm.

    Catamaran vessels   are limited to the following slips: 2, 3, 26, 27, & 28.  Unless you contact us to verify that the slip reserved was appropriate for the size of the vessel, we may not be able to guarantee your stay at the Guest Dock.

    If you find another vessel in the slip that you reserved, please contact Harbor Police Dispatch at (619) 686-6272.


    Anchorage - Three (3) Permits Per Month

    No more than three 72-hour anchoring permit may be issued to any person or boat in a calendar period. The three (3)permit issued for A1 and/or A5 is cumulative. There will be no 72-hour anchoring permits will be issued consecutively for the same anchorage.

    A-9 Cruiser Anchorage

    This anchorage is solely for the purpose of an out-of-county boater/vessel to use on a short term basis as part of their travels between ports.

    Guest Dock

    All the slips are reserved ahead of time and being in the wrong slip may result to your vessel being towed or cited.

    The Port of San Diego has an Alternative Work Week program. The Port Administration Building and administrative offices for the Harbor Police are closed every other Friday. Closed these following dates in 2021: Jan 8, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 19, Mar 5, Mar 19, Apr 2, Apr 16, Apr 30, May 14, May 28, Jun 11, Jun 25, Jul 9, Jul 23, Aug 6, Aug 20, Sep 3, Sep 17, Oct 1, Oct 15, Oct 29, Nov 12, Nov 26, Dec 10, Dec 24.  Holidays Closures: Jan 1, Feb 15, Mar 31, May 24, Jul 5, Sep 6, Nov 25, Nov 26, Dec 24, Dec 27.


    Anchorages & Guest Dock Rules:

    The maximum length for all vessels at the anchorages and slips is 65'. A 24-hour advance notice is required for all anchoring permits and may be reserved up to one (1) year in advance. Same day reservations will NOT be granted.

    No more than three (3) 72-hour anchoring permit may be issued to any person or boat in a calendar period. Three permits may be issued for A1 and/or A5, but will be cumulative. No 72-hour anchoring permits will be issued on consecutive calendar days for the same anchorage.

    Frequently Asked Questions.

    Where are your anchorages located?

    A-5 Glorietta Bay - 32 degrees 40 minutes 71 seconds North by 117 degrees 10 minutes 16 seconds West.

    A-1 La Playa - 32 degrees 42 minutes 90 seconds North.
    by 117 degrees 13 minutes 86 seconds West.

    A-9 Cruiser Anchorage - 32 degrees 43 minutes 90 seconds North by 117 degrees 11 minutes 84 seconds West.

    Guest Dock - 32 degrees 42 minutes 58 seconds North by
    117 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds West.

    Tips on how to Cancel an anchorage reservation:

    Go to "My Account" , log-in, enter your password, then review your reservation history and simply hit "CANCEL" on the appropriate line item(s). 

    If you know ahead of time that you are not going to use your anchoring permit, please cancel it. This will free up permits for other boaters during holidays and busy weekends.






    Hello everyone –


    A small craft advisory will be in effect until October 27th at 5:AM.  The La Playa (A-1) and Glorietta Bay (A-5) Anchorages will be available for safe harbor until 9:AM.

  • A1 "La Playa Cove" Anchorage:
    Located between San Diego and Southwestern Yacht Clubs in the Shelter Island Yacht Basin and is marked by yellow buoys. La Playa Cove is a 72-hour Weekend-Only anchorage. The hours for anchoring are from 0900 beginning on Friday through 0900 on Monday. In case of a weekend holiday, anchoring is permitted for 96 hours. If the holiday falls on a Friday, anchoring is permitted from 0900 hours on Thursday through 0900 hours on Monday. If the holiday falls on a Monday, anchoring is permitted from 0900 hours on Friday through 0900 hours on Tuesday. All boats must have a holding tank.

    A5 "Glorietta Bay" Anchorage:
    Located in Glorietta Bay, south of the Coronado Golf Course and is marked by yellow buoys. Glorietta Bay is a 24 to 72-hour, 7 days a week anchorage. The hours for anchoring begin and end at 0900 hours. All boats must have a holding tank.

    A9 "Cruiser" Anchorage:
    A9 anchorage is located adjacent to the United States Coast Guard Air Station and the eastern tip of Harbor Island. This anchorage is available to non-residents of San Diego County only. Permit requires a vessel inspection performed by a Harbor Police officer. Permits for this anchorage must be obtained in person at 1401 Shelter Island Drive and proof of non-residency must be provided. You may dock at the Harbor Police/Customs Check-in Dock. Notify Harbor Police Department Dispatch, 619-686-6272 that you are on the dock and requesting an A-9 vessel inspection and permit. A copy of the permit will be issued to the boat owner and must remain on board as proof of issuance. All vessels obtaining a permit for this anchorage are restricted to a 90-day period within any 365-day period. All vessels obtaining a permit must renew their permit every thirty days without exception.

    The Cruisers Anchorage is marked by 3 large yellow buoys that warn of the restricted water space toward the Coast Guard Air Station to the east. A red channel buoy, showing the entrance to the Harbor Island Lagoon, marks the west end of the anchorage.

    Copyright © 2007-2025 Port of San Diego.

    Camava - Online Reservation System